"Every child is a unique masterpiece, and it's our role as parents to help them discover and embrace their own colors." - Ekta Kumari

 About Us 


Step into a world where parenting isn't just about raising children; it's about nurturing souls and building futures. Meet EKTA KUMARI, your compassionate companion on this incredible journey.

With a heart fueled by a Bachelor's degree in Arts with Honours in Psychology, Ekta's journey as a parent coach has been shaped by over a decade of walking alongside families just like yours. As a devoted school teacher and private tutor, she's woven her wisdom into the lives of more than 20,000 students, touching hearts and igniting minds across different educational paths, from CBSE to ICSE and BSEB educational board of INDIA (BHARAT).

But Ekta's magic doesn't stop at the classroom door. She's been the bridge between parents and educators in over 5,000 heartfelt meetings, understanding that true growth happens when we come together as a community.

Now, she's here to share her invaluable insights and gentle guidance with you. Imagine a world where every tantrum is a teaching moment, and every challenge is an opportunity to deepen your bond with your child. With Ekta by your side, that world is within reach.

So, if you're ready to transform your parenting journey into a symphony of love, understanding, and growth, take that first step today. Let Ekta Kumari be your guiding light as you navigate the beautiful chaos of parenthood. Your family's story is waiting to unfold, and Ekta is here to help you write the most beautiful chapter yet.

 About Us 

Step into a world where parenting isn't just about raising children; it's about nurturing souls and building futures. Meet EKTA KUMARI, your compassionate companion on this incredible journey.

With a heart fueled by a Bachelor's degree in Arts with Honours in Psychology, Ekta's journey as a parent coach has been shaped by over a decade of walking alongside families just like yours. As a devoted school teacher and private tutor, she's woven her wisdom into the lives of more than 20,000 students, touching hearts and igniting minds across different educational paths, from CBSE to ICSE and BSEB educational board of INDIA (BHARAT).

But Ekta's magic doesn't stop at the classroom door. She's been the bridge between parents and educators in over 5,000 heartfelt meetings, understanding that true growth happens when we come together as a community.

Now, she's here to share her invaluable insights and gentle guidance with you. Imagine a world where every tantrum is a teaching moment, and every challenge is an opportunity to deepen your bond with your child. With Ekta by your side, that world is within reach.

So, if you're ready to transform your parenting journey into a symphony of love, understanding, and growth, take that first step today. Let Ekta Kumari be your guiding light as you navigate the beautiful chaos of parenthood. Your family's story is waiting to unfold, and Ekta is here to help you write the most beautiful chapter yet.

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 About Us 

Step into a world where parenting isn't just about raising children; it's about nurturing souls and building futures. Meet EKTA KUMARI, your compassionate companion on this incredible journey.

With a heart fueled by a Bachelor's degree in Arts with Honours in Psychology, Ekta's journey as a parent coach has been shaped by over a decade of walking alongside families just like yours. As a devoted school teacher and private tutor, she's woven her wisdom into the lives of more than 20,000 students, touching hearts and igniting minds across different educational paths, from CBSE to ICSE and BSEB educational Board of INDIA (BHARAT).

But Ekta's magic doesn't stop at the classroom door. She's been the bridge between parents and educators in over 5,000 heartfelt meetings, understanding that true growth happens when we come together as a community.

Now, she's here to share her invaluable insights and gentle guidance with you. Imagine a world where every tantrum is a teaching moment, and every challenge is an opportunity to deepen your bond with your child. With Ekta by your side, that world is within reach.

So, if you're ready to transform your parenting journey into a symphony of love, understanding, and growth, take that first step today. Let Ekta Kumari be your guiding light as you navigate the beautiful chaos of parenthood. Your family's story is waiting to unfold, and Ekta is here to help you write the most beautiful chapter yet.


Personalized Coaching Sessions

  • Tailored one-on-one coaching sessions to address specific parenting challenges.
  • Customized strategies and actionable solutions designed for your family's unique dynamics.
  • Ongoing support and guidance to navigate various stages of your child's development.

Group Workshops and Webinars

  • Interactive group workshops and webinars covering a wide range of parenting topics.
  • Engaging discussions and shared experiences with other parents in a supportive environment.
  • Practical tips and tools to enhance your parenting skills and confidence.

Online Courses and Resources

  • Access to comprehensive online courses with self-paced modules on key parenting issues.
  • Downloadable resources, worksheets, and guides for easy reference and implementation.
  • Flexibility to learn and grow as a parent at your own pace, from the comfort of your home.

Parenting Seminars and Events

  • In-depth seminars and events featuring expert speakers and thought leaders in parenting.
  • Valuable insights and research-backed strategies to help you navigate modern parenting challenges.
  • Networking opportunities to connect with other parents and build a supportive community.

Consultations and Assessments

  • In-depth consultations to assess your family's needs, goals, and challenges.
  • Personalized recommendations and action plans to address specific areas of concern.
  • Follow-up sessions to track progress and make adjustments as needed for optimal results.

Parenting Support Groups

  • Regular support group meetings facilitated by a trained parenting coach.
  • Peer support and encouragement from other parents facing similar issues.
  • A safe space to share struggles, celebrate successes, and learn from each other's experiences.

Behavior Management Plans

  • Development of individualized behavior management plans for children with challenging behaviors.
  • Positive reinforcement techniques, consistency strategies, and effective communication skills for fostering positive behavior change.
  • Ongoing support and monitoring to track progress and make necessary adjustments.

Work-Life Balance Workshops

  • Workshops focusing on achieving a healthy balance between parenting responsibilities and personal/professional life.
  • Strategies for managing stress, prioritizing self-care, and maintaining harmony in all areas of life.
  • Practical tips and techniques to enhance overall well-being for both parents and children.

 Benefits of Parenting Training 

Welcome to the ultimate resource for parents seeking to guide their children through the crucial stages of development from ages 03 to 16 years. As we understand the challenges parents face in navigating the complexities of child-rearing. That's why we've curated a comprehensive approach to parenting that combines expert advice, practical tips, and proven strategies to support your child's growth every step of the way.

Here Are Top 6 Reasons To Start Parenting Training


Improved Communication

Learn effective communication techniques that foster understanding and strengthen the bond between you and your child.


Enhanced Understanding of Child Development

Gain insights into the stages of child development, allowing you to support your child's growth and navigate challenges with confidence.


Effective Discipline Strategies

Discover positive discipline techniques that promote cooperation, respect, and self-discipline in your child, leading to a harmonious family dynamic.


Cultivation of Emotional Intelligence

Develop your child's emotional intelligence by understanding and validating their feelings, teaching them to identify and manage emotions in healthy ways.


Preparation for Future Challenges

Equip yourself with the skills and knowledge needed to guide your child through various life stages and transitions, preparing them for future success and resilience.


Investment in Your Child's Future

By investing in parenting training, you are investing in your child's future success, happiness, and well-being, laying the foundation for a fulfilling and prosperous life.


"The parenting training program gave me the confidence and tools to connect with my kids on a deeper level. Our home is filled with more laughter and love than ever before. Thank you for making me a better mom."


Emily S

Proud Mom of Two Lovely Kids

"The parenting training program gave me the support I needed as a single dad. Today, our bond is stronger than ever, and I'm excited to continue this journey of growth and discovery with my daughter."


Michael H.

Single Dad and Newfound Optimist

"The parenting training program helped me make the most of my time with my kids. I've learned to create meaningful connections and foster their development. It's been a game-changer for our family."


Sarah L.

Working Mom and Advocate for Growth

"The parenting training program humbled me and strengthened my bond with my kids. I've gained invaluable insights into communication and discipline. Our relationship has never been stronger."


David R.

Dad and Doting Husband

 Membership Pricing 



  • Access to Essential Parenting Resources
  • Monthly Webinars and Workshops
  • Community Support
  • Discounted Consultations
  • Email Newsletter



  • All Silver Plan Benefits
  • Priority Registration
  • Personalized Coaching Sessions
  • Parenting Toolbox
  • Special Offers and Discounts



  • All Gold Plan Benefits
  • Unlimited Coaching Sessions
  • VIP Access to Events
  • Extended E-mail Support
  • Customized Parenting Plan

 Contact US 

Master the Art of Parenting: Unlocking Your Child's Success Story With
"Parenting Coach: Ekta Kumari"

Please Fill The Form

You may also write an email with the parenting issue, you are facing, like:

* Discipline and Boundaries
* Sibling Rivalry
* School Readiness
* Academic Pressure
* Teenage Rebellion
* Screen Time and Technology
* Peer Pressure and Socialization
* Preparing for Independence
* Mental Health and Emotional Well-being

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1 to 1 Consultation

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Parenting E-Book


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